Product Registration

Step 1: Complete the online registration form below.
Step 2: Upload a copy of your sales receipt (optional).

Personal Information

* Indicates a Required Field
* First Name

* Last Name

* Address

* City

* State * Zip Code

* Phone Number
* Email Address
* Confirm Email Address

Are you interested in receiving future email communications on new products, promotions and other appliance news from MC Appliance?
Product Information

* Brand Name
* Model Number

* Serial Number  Find my serial number

* Purchase Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

* Purchase From

* Purchase Price
Proof of Purchase (Optional)

* I do not want to upload my receipt at this time

Please click Choose File to locate your scanned sales receipt. Once selected, click on Register to complete the registration process.

Note: File cannot exceed 2MB in size.

Benfits of Registration
1. Registering your product will allow us to contact you regarding a safety notification or product update.

2. Registering your product will allow for more efficient warranty service processing when warranty service is required.

Benfits of Registration
1. In the event that your product is non-repairable and a refund is required, MC Appliance will have your receipt on file. No refunds will be issued without a valid sales receipt.

2. In the event of insurance loss, uploading your receipt could act as your proof of purchase if your original receipt is lost or destroyed.